How to Get Moore

Jason Williams

Posted March 7, 2022

Nope. That’s not a typo in my headline.

Today I’m talking about Moore’s law and how it’s going to help make you a millionaire.

So maybe it should have been “How to Get More With Moore,” but either way, today’s missive is all but guaranteed to set you up for massive profits in the coming years.

Maybe even as soon as this summer…

Laws Were Made to Be Broken

In case you’re unfamiliar, Moore’s law is a term used to refer to an observation made by the founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, Gordon Moore.

Moore observed and hypothesized that the number of circuits on a dense integrated circuit board doubles about every two years.

It’s not a law of physics or anything. It’s just an observation and a projection of a historical trend.

But that trend is breaking down in the semiconductor world. And you can see it clearly in this chart:

moores law failing

It’s already starting to flatten out at the top, and by 2025, it’s expected to have plateaued.

That means we’ll have reached the maximum number of circuits per semiconductor and we won’t be able to make anything faster.

That’s a huge problem in the world of high-speed computing. There are functions and calculations that computers still just aren’t fast enough to handle.

And if we simply can’t make them faster, we’re stuck.

But fortunately, Moore’s law can apply to other things besides our traditional computer chips.

It’s an expression of the economies of scale that come with mass production. The more of a product you produce, the cheaper you can make it.

But that also means the more of a product you make, the better you can make it for the same cost.

It’s the exponential growth that comes after the biggest barriers have been cleared.

You know the expression that the first step in a marathon is the hardest, right? Well, that’s kind of how it is in developing new technology too.

The first step is the hardest. But once you’ve accomplished that, every future step becomes easier to take.

And that’s where we find ourselves in an entirely new industry within the computer technology sector…

Smaller Is Better

You see, this is an entirely new kind of technology. It’s not a faster chip or a better way of getting circuits onto silicon.

It’s something computer scientists have spent decades researching and trying to create…

Massive companies have poured billions of dollars into developing it. Google, IBM, Microsoft, and even the CIA have invested massive amounts of money toward being the first to unleash it.

But one small company that I’d bet 99% of investors have never heard of beat them to the punch.

That’s one of the benefits of being small. You’re more agile. You can adjust trajectory midflight if you see a better target.

You can pivot quickly whenever you need to. Massive organizations just don’t have that flexibility.

Being small also helps you stay out of the limelight.

So while all those major heavyweights are duking it out with each other, the little guys can sneak past without anyone even realizing they’re in the fight at all.

And that’s exactly what’s happened here. This tiny firm was able to cross the finish line far before any of its massive competition…

Even before they knew this firm was in the race at all, it had developed what some might call the holy grail of computing power.

We’ve code-named it “Invictus.” And now that the code has been cracked, it’s experiencing exponential growth just like the number of circuits per chip in Moore’s law:

tao invictus rapid

And that’s just the start. That exponential growth is only going to keep accelerating.

As it does, this new processing power will likely completely unseat former leaders like Intel and AMD.

It’s also likely to make early investors a boatload of money in the process.

I’m talking about the kind of profits you could’ve made investing in Apple’s or Google’s or Tesla’s or Microsoft’s IPOs.

This technology is destined to disrupt nearly $50 TRILLION worth of industry. That’s a five with 13 zeros after it:


That’s a whole lot of money right there. And some of that is going to turn directly into profits for people who get in the game now.

Hop in the Time Machine

Wouldn’t it be great if you could go back to 2010 and buy Tesla at its IPO price? You’d be sitting on gains worth more than 22,400% right now.

Or if you could go back and buy Microsoft or Apple when they went public? Those are up even more.

Apple would have turned $1,000 into $3,792,620 as it soared 372,862%. But even that is chump change compared with Microsoft’s gains…

tao invictus microsoft


That turned even a tiny $100 investment into over $3 million. A thousand bucks would be worth over $30 million!

But I’m convinced the gains coming to investors who get in early on this disruptive force will be even bigger.

That’s why I’m adamant you get our research report immediately and get invested today.

I want you in BEFORE everyone finds out about this scrappy upstart. I want you to collect the lion’s share of the profits.

And I want you to write in and tell me what you’re doing with all those winnings you rake in.

So make sure you take a little time today to learn more about this incredible opportunity.

And get yourself invested before the word gets out and this stock shoots through the roof.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

Want to hear more from Jason? Sign up to receive emails directly from him ranging from market commentaries to opportunities that he has his eye on. 

P.S. One more thing before I leave. My colleague Sean McCloskey has been amazing me with his trading prowess the past couple of years and he’s finally agreed to share his strategies with the world later this week. I want to make sure you’re there, so I’ve secured some advance seats so that you can guarantee your access to this once-in-a-lifetime presentation today. It’s FREE to sign up and there’s no commitment to buy anything.

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